Let's face it ladies and gents, we all want to be able to
throw awesome parties! Not only do we want to have fun, but
our hostess and her guests want to have fun too. And when they
are having fun. we end up making a lot more money! Here is a
list of over 200 fabulous party games to choose from.
There are also games listed below that are designed to help
with the pre-party planning (helping the hostess get more guests
or outside sales). But no matter which game you decide to use,
remember, you can write your own rules here!
Each and every one of these games can be customized to best
suit your product or your personality. You can use these
games to play at Tupperware parties, candle parties, home decor
parties, jewelry parties and more! Have fun and please
let me know what you think about these games!
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200 Home Party Games eBook

Price: $9.95